EZ-Dump Enterprises is a local business that started small with a focus on quality work. Our crew's attention to detail and efficiency allow us to make sure every light demolition job we do is handled with care and done well. When you work with us, you can expect reliable and effective demolition work and debris removal. As a fully insured company, we’re ready to help. Reach out for a free estimate and let us lighten your load!
- Demolition
- Dumpster Rental
- Junk Removal
- 10 Yard Dumpster
- 20 Yard Dumpster
- 30 Yard Dumpster
- Above Ground Pool Removal
- Appliance Removal
- Asphalt Driveway Removal
- Barn Demolition
- Basement Cleanout
- Carpet Removal
- Chimney Removal
- Commercial Cleanout
- Concrete Driveway Removal
- Concrete Patio Removal
- Concrete Recycling Dumpsters
- Concrete Sidewalk Removal
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Cities Served
New Hampshire
- Acworth
- Alstead Center
- Alstead
- Andover
- Antrim
- Ashuelot
- Bennington
- Blodgett Landing
- Bradford
- Canaan
- Charlestown
- Cheshire County
- Chesterfield
- Claremont
- Cornish Flat
- Cornish
- Croydon
- Danbury
- Deering
- Dorchester
- Drewsville
- Dublin
- East Alstead
- East Lempster
- East Sullivan
- East Swanzey
- Elkins
- Enfield Center
- Enfield
- Etna
- Fitzwilliam
- Georges Mills
- Gilsum
- Goshen
- Grafton
- Grantham
- Greenfield
- Guild
- Hancock
- Hanover
- Harrisville
- Henniker
- Hillsborough
- Hinsdale
- Jaffrey
- Keene
- Langdon
- Lebanon
- Lempster
- Lyme Center
- Lyme
- Marlborough
- Marlow
- Meriden
- Mount Sunapee
- Munsonville
- Nelson
- New London
- Newbury
- Newport
- North Sutton
- North Swanzey
- North Walpole
- Orange
- Peterborough
- Plainfield
- Richmond
- Rindge
- Roxbury
- Salisbury
- South Acworth
- South Sutton
- Spofford
- Springfield
- Stoddard
- Sullivan County
- Sullivan
- Sunapee
- Surry
- Sutton
- Swanzey Center
- Swanzey
- Troy
- Unity
- Walpole
- Warner
- Washington
- West Chesterfield
- West Lebanon
- West Peterborough
- West Springfield
- West Swanzey
- Westmoreland
- Wilmot Flat
- Wilmot
- Winchester
- Windsor
- Andover
- Arlington Center
- Arlington
- Ascutney
- Athens
- Baltimore
- Barnard
- Bartonsville
- Bellows Falls
- Belmont
- Bennington County
- Bethel
- Bondville
- Bowlsville
- Braintree
- Brattleboro Center
- Brattleboro
- Bridgewater Center
- Bridgewater Corn
- Bridgewater Corners
- Bridgewater
- Brimstone Corners
- Brockways Mills
- Bromley Mountain
- Brookline
- Brownsville
- Cambridgeport
- Cavendish
- Center Rutland
- Chelsea
- Chester Depot
- Chester
- Chester-Chester Depot
- Chipman Lake
- Chippenhook
- Chiselville
- Chittenden
- Clarendon Springs
- Clarendon
- Clementwood
- Cuttingsville
- Danby Corners
- Danby
- Dorset
- Dover
- Dummerston
- East Arlington
- East Barnard
- East Bethel
- East Brookfield
- East Dorset
- East Dover
- East Jamaica
- East Pittsford
- East Putney
- East Randolph
- East Roxbury
- East Rupert
- East Thetford
- East Wallingford
- Ely
- Fairlee
- Felchville
- Fieldsville
- Florence
- Fredetteville
- Gageville
- Gassetts
- Gaysville
- Gilford
- Glastenbury
- Glen
- Grafton
- Grahamville
- Green River
- Greenbush
- Grout
- Guilford Center
- Guilford
- Halifax
- Hammondsville
- Harmonyville
- Harrisville
- Hartford
- Hartland Four Corners
- Hartland
- Healdville
- Heartwell
- Heartwellville
- Hortonville
- Ira
- Jacksonville
- Jamaica
- Jenneville
- Kansas
- Killington
- Lake Emerald
- Lake Hinevah
- Lake Morey
- Lake Rescue
- Landgrove
- Lillieville
- Londonderry
- Ludlow
- Lyman
- Manchester Center
- Manchester Village
- Manchester
- Maple Dell
- Marlboro
- Mary Meyer
- Medburyville
- Mendon
- Middletown Springs
- Middletown
- Mount Holly
- Mount Snow
- Mount Tabor
- Newfane
- North Chittenden
- North Clarendon
- North Hartland
- North Pawlet
- North Pomfret
- North Randolph
- North Rupert
- North Shrewsbury
- North Springfield
- North Thetford
- North Tunbridge
- North Westminster
- North Windham
- Norwich
- Olympus
- Orange County
- Orchard Lane
- Pawlet
- Peaseville
- Pedden Acres
- Perkinsville
- Peru
- Pikes Falls
- Pittsfield
- Pittsford Mills
- Pittsford
- Plymouth Kingdom
- Plymouth Union
- Plymouth
- Pomfret
- Post Mills
- Proctor
- Proctorsville
- Putney
- Quechee
- Randolph Center
- Randolph
- Rawsonville
- Reading Center
- Reading
- Readsboro
- Reedville
- Rices Mills
- Rochester
- Rockingham
- Royalton
- Russellville
- Russtown
- Rutland County
- Rutland Town
- Rutland
- Sandgate
- Saxtons River
- Scottsville
- Searsburg
- Sharon
- Sheddsville
- Shrewsbury
- Simonsville
- Simpsonville
- Smithville
- Somerset
- South Chittenden
- South Dorset
- South End
- South Londonderry
- South Newfane
- South Pomfret
- South Reading
- South Royalton
- South Strafford
- South Wallingford
- South Wardsboro
- South Windham
- South Woodstock
- Spankerton
- Spoonerville
- Springfield
- Stockbridge
- Strafford
- Stratton Mountain
- Stratton
- Summit
- Sunderland
- Taftsville
- Thetford Center
- Thetford Hill
- Thetford
- Tinmouth
- Townshend
- True Blue
- Tunbridge
- Tyson
- Vernon
- Vershire
- Wallingford
- Wardsboro
- Weathersfield Center
- Weathersfield
- Wells
- West Arlington
- West Brattleboro
- West Bridgewater
- West Brookfield
- West Dover
- West Dummerston
- West Fairlee
- West Halifax
- West Hartford
- West Marlboro
- West Rupert
- West Rutland
- West Townshend
- West Wardsboro
- West Windsor
- West Woodstock
- Westminster Station
- Westminster West
- Westminster
- Weston Priory
- Weston
- White River Junction
- Whitingham
- Wilder
- Williamsville
- Wilmington
- Windham County
- Windham
- Windsor County
- Windsor
- Winhall
- Wood Stock
- Woodstock
- Bernardston
- Blissville
- Colrain
- Eagleville
- Erving
- Farley
- Franklin County
- Gill
- Greenfield Town
- Greenfield
- Heath
- Lake Mattawa
- Leyden
- Millers Falls
- Mount Hermon
- New Salem
- North Orange
- Northfield Mount Hermon
- Northfield
- Shattuckville
- Stoneville
- Turners Falls
- Warwick
- Wendell Depot