Full Throttle Demolition is a small, family-owned demolition company that specializes in concrete and asphalt removal, small structure removal, junk removal, land clearing, and more. Our experienced crew and fleet of equipment can manage projects of all sizes, like commercial demolition, house demolition, interior demolition, shed demolition, and everything in between.We care about the environment and recycle all concrete and metal that we take in. Our team is professional to the core and is committed to customer service and workmanship.Reach out to us today for a completely free project estimate. We look forward to hearing from you!
- Demolition
- Junk Removal
- Above Ground Pool Removal
- Appliance Removal
- Asphalt Driveway Removal
- Asphalt Parking Lot Removal
- Barn Demolition
- Basement Cleanout
- Carpet Removal
- Chimney Removal
- Commercial Building Demolition
- Commercial Cleanout
- Commercial Interior Demolition
- Concrete Driveway Removal
- Concrete Foundation Removal
- Concrete Parking Lot Removal
- Concrete Patio Removal
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Cities Served
- Abington
- Acton
- Adams
- Albany
- Alert
- Alexandria
- Alpine
- Alquina
- Anderson
- Andersonville
- Anthony
- Antiville
- Arba
- Arlington
- Balbee
- Ball State University
- Bartonia
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- Bath
- Bellefountain
- Bentonville
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- Blackford County
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- Bloomingport
- Blountsville
- Blue Creek
- Bluff Point
- Boggstown
- Boston
- Boundry
- Breezewood Park
- Brewington Woods
- Brice
- Brinckley
- Brookville Heights
- Brookville
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- Buena Vista
- Burney
- Cadiz
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- Carlos City
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- Carthage
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- Centerville
- Charlottesville
- Chester
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- College Corner
- Collett
- Como
- Connersville
- Cook Acres
- Cottagegrove
- Country Club Heights
- Country Terrace
- Cowan
- Crete
- Cross Roads
- Crumley Crossing
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- Decatur County
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- Duck Creek
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- Dunkirk
- Dunlapsville
- Dunreith
- East Connersville
- East Germantown
- East Haven
- Eaton
- Economy
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- Emporia
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- Everton
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- Fairmount
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- Finly
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- Fountaintown
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- Greens Fork
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- Harrisville
- Hartford City
- Hartsville
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- Henry
- Hills And Dales
- Homer
- Hope
- Hubbells Corner
- Huntersville
- Huntsville
- Hyde Park
- Ingalls
- Jacksonburg
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- Jennings
- Kennard
- Kingston
- Knightstown
- Lake Mccoy
- Lake Mohee
- Lake Santee
- Lapel
- Laurel
- Lawrenceville
- Leisure
- Lewisville
- Liber
- Liberty
- Licking
- Losantville
- Lotus
- Luray
- Lynn
- Lyonsville
- Madison County
- Manilla
- Markleville
- Matthews
- Maxville
- Maxwell
- Mays
- McCordsville
- Meadowood Estates
- Medford
- Messick
- Metamora
- Middleboro
- Middletown
- Milan
- Milford
- Mill Grove
- Millhousen
- Millville
- Milroy
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- Newpoint
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- Oakville
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- Oldenburg
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- Orestes
- Osgood
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- Parker
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- Pennville
- Pershing
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- Pipe Creek
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- Powers
- Progress
- Quailtown
- Randolph County
- Randolph
- Raysville
- Redkey
- Richmond Square
- Richmond
- Ridgeville
- Rigdon
- Ripley County
- River Forest
- Roll
- Roseburg
- Royerton
- Rural
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- Rushville
- Saint Leon
- Saint Paul
- Salamonia
- Sandusky
- Saratoga
- Sardinia
- Selma
- Shamrock Lakes
- Shelby County
- Shelbyville
- Shideler
- Shirley
- Smithfield
- Snow Hill
- South Salem
- Spartanburg
- Spiceland
- Spring Grove Heights
- Spring Grove
- Spring Lake
- Springersville
- Springport
- St Leon
- St Paul
- Stone
- Straughn
- Strawtown
- Sulphur Springs
- Summitville
- Sunman
- Treaty Line Museum
- Union City
- Union County
- Unionport
- Upland
- Waldron
- Wanamaker
- Warrington
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- Waynesburg
- Webster
- Weisburg
- West Acres
- West Brook Acres
- West College Corner
- West Elwood
- West Harrison
- West Muncie
- Westchester
- Westport Addition
- Westport Addn
- Westport
- Westwood
- Wheeling
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- Windsor
- Woodbury
- Woodlawn Heights
- Woodlawn Park
- Yorktown