Established in 2002, Guma Construction began with just two trucks. Since then, we have grown to be one of the largest privately-held roll-off container, junk removal, and light demolition providers in New York City. With a fleet of 40+ trucks and a growing inventory of 800+ containers, we are ready to handle any job, any size, whatever cleanup you're facing. Call or request a free demolition quote today!
- Demolition
- Dumpster Rental
- Junk Removal
- 10 Yard Dumpster
- 15 Yard Dumpster
- 20 Yard Dumpster
- 30 Yard Dumpster
- Above Ground Pool Removal
- Appliance Removal
- Asphalt Driveway Removal
- Barn Demolition
- Basement Cleanout
- Carpet Removal
- Chimney Removal
- Commercial Cleanout
- Concrete Driveway Removal
- Concrete Patio Removal
- Concrete Recycling Dumpsters
View all project types >
Cities Served
New York
- Addisleigh Park
- Airmont
- Allerton
- Alphabet City
- Amawalk
- Annadale
- Arden Heights
- Arden
- Ardsley On Hudson
- Ardsley
- Armonk
- Arrochar
- Arverne
- Arverne-Edgemere
- Astoria Heights
- Astoria
- Auburndale
- Banksville
- Bardonia
- Bath Beach
- Battery Park
- Bay Ridge
- Bay Terrace
- Baychester
- Bayside Hills
- Bayside
- Bayswater
- Bear Mountain
- Bedford Corners
- Bedford Hills
- Bedford Stuyvesant
- Bedford Village
- Bedford
- Beechhurst
- Belle Harbor
- Bellerose Manor
- Bellevue
- Bellrs Manor
- Belmont
- Bensonhurst
- Bergen Beach
- Blauvelt
- Blissville
- Boerum Hill
- Borough Hall
- Borough Park
- Boulevard
- Bowery
- Bowling Green
- Breezy Point
- Briarcliff Manor
- Briarcliff
- Briarwood
- Brighton Beach
- Broad Channel
- Bronx Boulevard
- Bronx County
- Bronx Park South
- Bronx
- Bronxville
- Brooklyn Heights
- Brooklyn
- Browne Park
- Brownsville
- Buchanan
- Bulls Head
- Bushwick
- Cambria Heights
- Canal Street
- Canarsie
- Carroll Gardens
- Castleton Corners
- Central Nyack
- Central Park
- Centuck
- Chappaqua
- Charleston
- Chauncey
- Chelsea
- Chestnut Ridge
- Chinatown
- Church Street
- City Hall
- City Island
- City Line
- Claremont
- Clarkstown
- Clason Point
- Clearview
- Clifton
- Clinton Hill
- Co-op City
- Cobble Hill
- College Point
- College
- Colonial Park
- Concord
- Concourse Village
- Coney Island
- Congers
- Cooper Union
- Cooper
- Corona
- Cortlandt Manor
- Cortlandt
- Crompond
- Croton On Hudson
- Croton
- Croton-on-Hudson
- Crotona Park
- Crotonville
- Crugers
- Cypress Hills
- Deutsche Bank
- Ditmas Park
- Dobbs Ferry
- Dongan Hills
- Douglaston
- Downtown Brooklyn
- Dyker Heights
- East Elmhurst
- East Flatbush
- East Flushing
- East Harlem
- East Irvington
- East New York
- East Tremont
- East View
- East Village
- East White Plains
- East Williamsburg
- Eastchester
- Edgemere
- Edgemont
- Egbertville
- Electchester
- Elm Park
- Elmhurst
- Elmsford
- Eltingville
- Emerson Hill
- Empire State
- Esplanade
- Far Rockaway
- Fieldston
- Financial District
- Flatbush
- Flatiron
- Flatlands
- Fleetwood
- Flushing
- Fordham
- Forest Hills
- Fort George
- Fort Greene
- Fort Hamilton
- Fort Tilden
- Fort Totten
- Fort Wadsworth
- Franklin D Roosevelt
- Fresh Meadows
- Fresh Pond
- Fulton Ferry
- Garment District
- Garnerville
- Gedney
- Georgetown
- Gerritsen Beach
- Glen Oaks
- Glendale
- Gowanus
- Gramercy Park
- Grand Central
- Grand Concourse
- Grand View-on-Hudson
- Grandview On Hudson
- Grandview
- Graniteville
- Grant City
- Grasmere
- Grassy Point
- Gravesend
- Great Kills
- Greeley Square
- Greenburgh
- Greenpoint
- Greenridge
- Greenville
- Greenwich Village
- Greenwood Heights
- Greenwood Lake
- Grymes Hill
- Hamilton Grange
- Hamilton Heights
- Hammels
- Harding Park
- Harlem
- Harrison
- Hartsdale
- Hastings-on-Hudson
- Haverstraw
- Hawthorne
- Heartland Village
- Heathcote
- Hell's Kitchen
- Highbridge
- Highland Park
- Hill Crest
- Hillburn
- Hillcrest
- Hollis Hills
- Hollis
- Holliswood
- Homecrest
- Horace Harding
- Howard Beach
- Howard Park
- Hsbc Bank
- Hub
- Huguenot
- Hunters Point
- Hunts Point
- Irvington On Hudson
- Irvington
- Jackson Heights
- Jamaica Est
- Jamaica Estates
- Jamaica Hills
- Jamaica
- Jerome
- Kaser
- Katonah
- Kew Gardens Hills
- Kew Gardens
- Kings County
- Kingsbridge Heights
- Kingsbridge
- Kips Bay
- Kitchawan
- Knickerbocker
- Laconia
- Lake Katonah
- Lake Mohegan
- Larchmont
- Laurelton
- Lenox Hill
- Lighthouse Hill
- Lincolnton
- Linden Hill
- Lindenwood
- Little Italy
- Little Neck
- Livingston
- Locust Point
- Long Island City
- Longwood
- Lower East Side
- Lower Manhattan
- Madison Square Sta
- Malba
- Mamaroneck
- Manhattan Terrace
- Manhattan Valley
- Manhattan
- Manhattanville
- Manor Heights
- Mapleton
- Marble Hill
- Marine Park
- Mariners Harbor
- Maryknoll
- Maspeth
- Meadowmere
- Meatpacking District
- Meiers Corners
- Melrose
- Middle Village
- Midland Beach
- Midtown East
- Midtown West
- Midtown
- Midwood
- Mill Basin
- Millwood
- Monsey
- Montebello
- Montrose
- Morningside Heights
- Morningside
- Morris Heights
- Morris Park
- Morrisania
- Mosholu
- Mott Haven
- Mount Eden
- Mount Hope
- Mount Ivy
- Mount Kisco
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Vernon
- Murray Hill
- Murry Hill
- Nanuet
- Navy Yard
- Neponsit
- New Brighton
- New Castle
- New City
- New Dorp
- New Hempstead
- New Lots
- New Rochelle
- New Springville
- New Square
- New York City
- New York County
- NoHo
- Nolita
- North Castle
- North Corona
- North Shore Towers
- North Side
- North Tarrytown
- North White Plains
- Norwood
- Nyack
- Oakland Gardens
- Oakwood
- Ocean Breeze
- Ocean Hill
- Ocean Parkway
- Old Howard Beach
- Old Town
- Orangeburg
- Orangetown
- Ossining
- Ozone Park
- Palisades
- Park Slope
- Parkchester
- Parkside
- Pearl River
- Peck Slip
- Peekskill
- Pelham Bay
- Pelham Manor
- Pelham
- Peter Cooper Village
- Peter Stuyvesant
- Philipse Manor
- Piermont
- Pilgrim
- Planetarium
- Pleasant Plains
- Pleasantville
- Plum Beach
- Pocantico Hills
- Pomona
- Pomonok
- Port Chester
- Port Richmond
- Pound Ridge
- Prince's Bay
- Prince
- Prospect Heights
- Prospect Lefferts Gardens
- Prospect Park South
- Purchase
- Queens County
- Queens Village
- Queens
- Queensboro Hill
- Queensbridge
- Ramapo
- Randall Manor
- Randalls Island
- Ravenswood
- Red Hook Brooklyn
- Rego Park
- Rego Pk
- Remsen Village
- Richmond County
- Richmond Hill
- Richmond Valley
- Richmondtown
- Ridgewood
- Riverdale
- Rochdale Village
- Rochdale
- Rockaway Beach
- Rockaway Park
- Rockaway Point
- Rockland County
- Roosevelt Island
- Rosebank
- Rosedale
- Rossville
- Rudolph Lake
- Rugby
- Rye Brook
- Rye
- Saint Albans
- Sandy Ground
- Scarborough
- Scarsdale Park
- Scarsdale
- Scotts Corners
- Sea Gate
- Seaport Soho
- Shared Brm
- Sheepshead Bay
- Shore Acres
- Sleepy Hollow Manor
- Sleepy Hollow
- Sloatsburg
- Soho
- Soundview
- South Beach
- South Jamaica
- South Nyack
- South Ozone Park
- South Park Slope
- South Richmond Hill
- Southfields
- Sparkill
- Spring Creek
- Spring Valley
- Springfield Gardens
- Spuyten Duyvil
- St Albans
- St George
- St Nicholas Terrace
- Stadium
- Stapleton Heights
- Stapleton
- Starrett City
- Staten Island
- Steinway
- Sterling Forest
- Stony Point
- Stuyvesant Heights
- Stuyvesant Park
- Stuyvesant Town
- Suffern
- Sugar Hill
- Sunnyside Gardens
- Sunnyside
- Sunset Park
- Sutton Place
- Tallman
- Tappan
- Tarrytown
- Theatre District
- Thiells
- Thornwood
- Throggs Neck
- Times Square
- Todt Hill
- Tomkins Cove
- Tompkinsville
- Tottenville Beach
- Tottenville
- Trainsmeadow
- Travis
- Tribeca
- Triborough
- Trinity
- Tuckahoe
- Tudor City
- Turtle Bay
- Tuxedo Park
- Tuxedo
- Two Bridges
- Union Square
- Unionport
- University Heights
- Upper East Side
- Upper Grandview
- Upper Nyack
- Upper West Side
- Utopia
- Valhalla
- Valley Cottage
- Van Cott
- Verplanck
- Village
- Vinegar Hill
- Viola
- Wakefield
- Wall Street
- Ward Hill
- Wards Island
- Washington Bridge
- Wave Crest
- Weeksville
- Wesley Hills
- West Farms
- West Haverstraw
- West New Brighton
- West Nyack
- West Village
- Westchester County
- Westchester
- Westerleigh
- White Plains
- Whitestone
- Willets Point
- Williamsbridge
- Williamsburg
- Willowbrook
- Windsor Terrace
- Wingate
- Woodhaven
- Woodland Beach
- Woodlawn
- Woodrow
- Woodside
- WTC Yorkville
- Wykagyl
- Yonkers
- Yorktown Heights