- Demolition
- Above Ground Pool Removal
- Asphalt Driveway Removal
- Barn Demolition
- Concrete Driveway Removal
- Concrete Foundation Removal
- Concrete Patio Removal
- Concrete Sidewalk Removal
- Debris Hauling
- Deck, Shed, Fence Removal
- Dirt and Rock Removal
- Garage Demolition
- House Demolition
- Miscellaneous Demolition
- Mobile Home Demolition
- Other Asphalt-Concrete Removal
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Verified Reviews
Superior Demolition LLC
Review by Dezanza F. in Aberdeen, MD
Awesome company. Donny from Superior Demolition is fair, punctual and gets the job done efficiently. He went above and beyond for me. I had a backyard, no more like a small section in the forest I wanted cleared, cleaned and debris removed. Also I had three decks, and a shed removed. Donny came on time with a team of two guys. They got the job done in a day and a half. They were amazing, friendly, extremely knowledgeable about everything. He gave me advice on things in regards to my mobile home that I didn't expect him to know. He's multi talented, skilled at his profession and did I say friendly and kind. I highly recommend Superior Demolition LLC for all your demolition and home projects. His prices are good, fair and more than reasonable. Did everything he was contracted to do and actually more. Highly, highly recommend.
Cities Served
- Aberdeen Proving Ground
- Aberdeen
- Abingdon
- Arbutus
- Arlington
- Bainbridge
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- Baltimore County
- Baltimore Highlands
- Baltimore
- Bel Air North
- Bel Air South
- Bel Air
- Benson
- Bentley Springs
- Betterton
- Boring
- Bowleys Quarters
- Bradshaw
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- Brooklyn Park
- Brooklyn
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- Butlertown
- Bwi Airport
- Cardiff
- Carney
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- Carvel Beach
- Catonsville
- Cecil County
- Cecilton
- Charlestown
- Chase
- Chesapeake City
- Chestertown
- Chestnut Hill Cove
- Childs
- Chstnt Hl Cv
- Churchville
- Clearwater Beach
- Clearwatr Bch
- Clifton East End
- Clifton
- Cockeysville
- Colora
- Conowingo
- Curtis Bay
- Darlington
- Druid
- Dundalk Sparrows Point
- Dundalk
- Earleville
- East Case
- East End
- Edesville
- Edgemere
- Edgewood Arsenal
- Edgewood
- Elk Mills
- Elkridge
- Elkton
- Essex
- Eudowood
- Fairlee
- Fallston
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- Finksburg
- Forest Hill
- Fork
- Fort Howard
- Fowbelsburg
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- Freeland
- Garrison
- Georgetown
- Glen Arm
- Glen Burnie
- Glencoe
- Glyndon
- Govans
- Green Haven
- Greenland Bch
- Greenland Beach
- Greenmount
- Halethorpe
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- Hampden
- Hampstead
- Hampton
- Harford County
- Havre de Grace
- Hereford
- Highlandtown
- Hunt Valley
- Hydes
- Jacksonville
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- Joppatowne
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- Kingstown
- Kingsville
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- Lansdowne
- Lansdowne-Baltimore Highlands
- Lineboro
- Linthicum
- Loch Hill
- Loch Raven
- Lochearn
- Long Green
- Lutherville
- Lynch
- Magnolia
- Manchester
- Maryland Line
- Mays Chapel
- Mcdonogh Run
- Middle River
- Milford Mill
- Millers
- Millersville
- Monkton
- Mount Washington
- Norrisville
- North East
- Northwood
- Nottingham
- Orchard Beach
- Overlea
- Owings Mills
- Parkton
- Parkville
- Patapsco
- Patterson
- Perry Hall
- Perry Point
- Perryman
- Perryville
- Phoenix
- Pikesville
- Pleasant Hills
- Port Deposit
- Pumphrey
- Pylesville
- Randallstown
- Raspeburg
- Reisterstown
- Riderwood
- Rising Sun
- Riverside
- Riviera Beach
- Rock Hall
- Roland Park
- Rosedale
- Rossville
- Ruxton
- Sparks Glencoe
- Sparks
- Stevenson
- Still Pond
- Stoney Beach
- Street
- Timonium
- Tolchester
- Towson
- Upper Falls
- Upperco
- Walbrook
- Warwick
- Waverly
- White Hall
- White Marsh
- Whiteford
- Windsor Mill
- Woodlawn
- Worton
- Aberdeen
- Accomac
- Airville
- Akron
- Andrews Bridge
- Atglen
- Bainbridge
- Bamford
- Bareville
- Bart
- Bartville
- Baumgardner
- Bausman
- Bellaire
- Bellemont
- Bethesda
- Bird In Hand
- Bird-in-Hand
- Bittersville
- Blue Ball
- Botts
- Brickerville
- Bridgeton
- Brodbecks
- Brogue
- Brogueville
- Brownstown - Lancaster County
- Brunnerville
- Bryansville
- Buck
- Buyerstown
- Central Manor
- Chanceford
- Christiana
- Clay
- Coal Cabin Beach
- Cochranville
- Codorus
- Colemanville
- Colerain - Lancaster County
- Collinsville
- Columbia
- Conestoga
- Conoy
- Cooperville
- Craley
- Creswell
- Cross Roads
- Dallastown
- Delta
- Deodate
- Donegal Heights
- Donegal Springs
- Dover
- Drumore
- Durlach
- Earl - Lancaster County
- East Donegal
- East Drumore
- East Hempfield
- East Hopewell
- East Lampeter
- East Lancaster
- East Manchester
- East Nottingham
- East Petersburg
- East Prospect
- East York
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- Edisonville
- Eldora
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- Elk - Chester County
- Elm
- Elstonville
- Elwyn Terrace
- Emigsville
- Ephrata
- Fairland
- Falmouth
- Farmdale
- Farmersville
- Fawn - York County
- Fawn Grove
- Fayfield
- Felton
- Fertility
- Florin
- Forest Knolls
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- Freysville
- Fruitville
- Fulton
- Furniss
- Gap
- Gatchellville
- Glades
- Glen Rock
- Glenville
- Gordonville
- Grantley
- Greenbank
- Groffdale
- Hahnstown
- Halfville
- Hallam
- Hametown
- Harristown
- Heidelberg - York County
- Hellam
- Herrville
- Hessdale
- Highland - Chester County
- Highmount
- Highville
- Hinkletown
- Holtwood
- Hopeland
- Hopewell - York County
- Intercourse
- Ironville
- Iva
- Jackson - York County
- Jacobus
- Kelton
- Kemblesville
- Kinderhook
- Kinzers
- Kirkwood
- Kissel Hill
- Kreutz Creek
- Kyleville
- Lampeter
- Lancaster County
- Lancaster Junction
- Lancaster
- Landisville
- Lapark
- Larue
- Laurelville
- Lawn
- Leacock
- Leacock-Leola-Bareville
- Leaders Heights
- Leaf Park
- Leaman Place
- Leola
- Letort
- Lewisville
- Lexington
- Liberty Square
- Lime Rock
- Lime Valley
- Lincoln University
- Lititz
- Little Britain
- Locust Grove
- Loganville
- Londonderry - Chester County
- Longlevel
- Longstown
- Lower Chanceford
- Lower Oxford
- Lower Windsor
- Lucky
- Lyndon
- Manchester
- Manheim - York County
- Manheim
- Manor - Lancaster County
- Manor Ridge
- Marietta
- Martic Forge
- Martic
- Marticville
- Martindale
- Mascot
- Mastersonville
- Maytown
- Mcsparren
- Meadia Heights
- Mechanics Grove
- Menges Mills
- Millersville
- Millway
- Milton Grove
- Mount Hope
- Mount Joy
- Mount Nebo
- Mount Wolf
- Mount Zion
- Mountville
- Muddy Creek Forks
- Murrell
- Napierville
- Nashville
- Neffsville
- New Bridgeville
- New Danville
- New Freedom
- New Holland
- New London Township
- New London
- New Milltown
- New Park
- New Providence
- New Providnce
- New Salem - York County
- New Salem Borough
- New Salem Bro
- New Texas
- Nickel Mines
- Ninepoints
- North Codorus
- North Hopewell
- North York
- Nottingham
- Oakryn
- Old Line
- Ore Valley
- Oregon
- Oxford
- Oyster Point
- Paradise
- Parkesburg
- Peach Bottom
- Penn - Chester County
- Penn - Lancaster County
- Penn Hill
- Penryn
- Pequea
- Pleasant View
- Pleasureville
- Pomeroy
- Poplar Grove
- Ports Sidling
- Providence
- Quarryville
- Queens Gate
- Railroad
- Rapho
- Rawlinsville
- Red Lion
- Refton
- Rheems
- Rinely
- Rockrimmin Ridge
- Rohrerstown
- Ronks
- Rothsville
- Sadsbury - Chester County
- Sadsbury - Lancaster County
- Safe Harbor
- Saginaw
- Salisbury - Lancaster County
- Salunga
- Salunga-Landisville
- Seven Valleys
- Shenks Ferry
- Shiloh
- Shocks Mills
- Shrewsbury
- Silver Spring
- Sinsheim
- Slackwater
- Slate Hill
- Smithville
- Smoketown
- Smyrna
- Snyder Corner
- Soudersburg
- Speedwell
- Sporting Hill
- Spring Garden
- Spring Grove
- Springetts Manor-Yorklyn
- Springettsbury
- Springfield - York County
- Springvale
- Spry
- Stack Town
- Starview
- Steelville
- Stewartstown
- Sticks
- Stonybrook
- Stonybrook-Wilshire
- Stoverstown
- Strasburg
- Strinestown
- Sunnyburn
- Susquehanna Trails
- Talmage
- Tolna
- Tyler Run
- Tyler Run-Queens Gate
- Upper Leacock
- Upper Oxford
- Vintage
- Voganville
- W Manchester
- Wakefield
- Warwick - Lancaster County
- Washington Boro
- Weidmanville
- Weigelstown
- West Bangor
- West Donegal
- West Earl
- West Fallowfield - Chester County
- West Grove
- West Hempfield
- West Lampeter
- West Lancaster
- West Manchester Twp
- West Manchester
- West Manheim
- West Nottingham
- West Sadsbury
- West Willow
- West York
- White Horse
- Willow Street
- Willow View Heights
- Willow
- Windsor Park
- Windsor
- Winterstown
- Witmer
- Woodbine
- Wrightsdale
- Wrightsville
- Wyndham Hills
- Yoe
- York County
- York Haven
- York New Salem
- York
- Yorkana
- Yorklyn
- Yorkshire
- Zooks Corner